Archive for the Poems Category

The Challenge

Posted in Poems with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 25, 2012 by Tanya

Woke up this morning

and both sides

of the bed

felt wrong.


took an istant

to convince me…

the day

was already

too long.


I was out of coffee


it was cigarettes too

Why hadn’t

I done the laundry


where in the hell

had I put

that shoe?

I hustled the kids

out the door

and scrambled 

towards the car,

Oh man,

I left 

the keys inside…

We weren’t going

very far.

I broke in

through the window

and somehow

tore my pants,

warned my children

NOT to giggle


ANY circumstance.

We had piled

into the car

after nearly

breaking my neck

for the keys,

that darn needle

never bothered

to budge…

it was sitting

right on ‘E.’

By then,

I was way

beyond angry

and definitely

seeing red,

I swear

I grabbed that

steering wheel…

with every



banging my head.


defiance and frustration

started playing

tug of war,

and I was way

past certain…

that I couldn’t

take much more.

“God help me…

if it KILLS me,

I’m going to

make it

through today”


in my

wildest dreams,

had I imagined

He would say…


Nobody Ever Asked Me…

Posted in Poems, Random Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , on March 21, 2012 by Tanya

Nobody Ever Asked Me…

if I wanted to experience pain

through the eyes of a child

if I wanted to be taken

from my parents

and placed with strangers,

if only for awhile

Nobody ever asked me,

if I wanted to be abused

in any way, shape or form

if I’d prefer shelter,

rather than battling

through the storm.

Nobody ever asked me,

if my heart could bear

to suffer

the loss of a child

if I’d miss my Father,

before scattering his ashes

across the miles

Nobody ever asked me,

if I could endure

someone’s leaving,

without ever having

said goodbye

if I would prefer laughter,

to the tears

I would cry.

Nobody ever asked me,

if I wanted to live or die.

Nobody ever asked me…

and I sometimes wonder ‘why.’

Then You Will Know…

Posted in Poems with tags , , , , , on March 2, 2012 by Tanya

Tanya M. Lewis, Copyright 2000

When the ache has grown far greater

Then the need for you to breathe,

And the mere thought

Of your lovers touch

Drives you to your knees.

When traces of her kisses

Like nectar from the vine,

Completely soak your senses

And the world is left behind

When whispers of I love you

Echo through your ears,

And your soul is caressed by passion

That moves your heart to tears

When the feelings overwhelm you

Washes over you in waves,

And eternity is captured

In each brief and perfect gaze

When all words

Seem to elude you,

In your quest to somehow show

The truth of what lies

Within your heart,

My heart, you too…

…will know.

Copyright 2000 Tanya Lewis

A Window to the Soul

Posted in Poems on January 12, 2011 by Tanya


The stillness opens its arms to me
Beckoning that I listen,
While granting my heart safe passage
Upon stubborn knees, now gently christened.

The whispers within grow stronger
With every beat of my heart,
Until lost to the world outside
I emerge amidst the solace,
within the chambers of my heart.

The voices here are clear, vibrant and alive
Awakening from slumber,
Those things, from which I hide.

Embraced by the voice of compassion, honesty and love,
My burdens bear no weight
For I am sheltered from above.

Thoughts and words flow freely
A tapestry of tears,
A gentle caress within my soul
To brush away my fears.

Gradually, I glimpse a reflection
For which there’s no disguise,
A love for me therein
Shines bright in heavens eyes.

I wander through each chamber
To remember, all that I feel,
Graced with the wisdom of knowing
That my heart has begun to heal.

Overwhelmed by gratitude
For all that I have known,
The strength that comes through trial
And the mercy I’ve been shown.

I know the gifts, which I’ve been given
Can do little else but grow,
For within the depths of every heart
Lies a window to the soul.

Copyright 1997 Tanya Lewis


Posted in Poems on January 25, 2010 by Tanya



Lucid dreams

And transient thoughts

Careless whispers

Reckless heart.

Bittersweet memories

Stories untold

A single tear

And it all unfolds.

Heartache & happiness

Side by side

Desire the demon

I’m reluctant to hide.

Miles I’ve wandered

Yet mountains to climb

Love’s the enigma

I’m longing to find.